New year, new you?

Would you like to strengthen or deepen your faith? Just like any relationship, the more time you spend with someone, the more you know each other. How do you spend more time with Jesus? By reading the word of God and praying. Some people like to pick a book of the Bible and read a chapter each day, some like to follow a reading plan, and some like to use a devotional guide. There are many devotional guides in print, and there are also websites and apps if you prefer something digital.

Here are a few to check out:

Some devotionals have written prayers or suggested topics. A great prayer for anytime is the Lord’s Prayer.

It also helps to find a friend or two who want to do this with you! Pick a reading plan, agree on how often you want to do it, and share your experiences with each other – either in person over coffee or a meal, or by a group text/chat. And, like doing anything new, start simple, and give it some time.

Let’s hit “RESTART” on Lent!

After having to cancel the Ash Wednesday Worship and Pot Luck meal, we have decided to remember Ash Wednesday this Sunday, March 5! We won’t do the imposition of ashes, but the rest of the service will be as if it were Ash Wednesday, including Holy Communion to “re-start” Lent. The confirmation youth will be leading the services (some at early, and some at late) and the choir and handbells will be providing special music.

Also, knowing how many people enjoy the pot luck meals, the Deacons have decided to host a pot luck meal after the second service for anyone who wants to join them!
Hope to see you Sunday!!