Sanctuary Easter 2010

Holy Week Services

  • Maundy Thursday Services
    • with Holy Communion
    • 6:30 PM at Pioneer Presbyterian Church in Marinette 1947 Riverside Ave. Marinette, WI
  • Good Friday Services
    • Noon at FPC Oconto
    • 2:00 PM at Pioneer Presbyterian Church in Marinette
  • Easter Sunday Breakfast
    • 9:00 AM
    • Free will offering to support our youth ministry and summer camp scholarships
  • Easter Sunday Service
    • 10:30 AM
    • with Holy Communion

Funeral Service for Helen (Honey) Schroder

Helen (Honey) Schroder, age 99, passed into eternal life March 26, 2021. The family will receive relatives and friends at the First Presbyterian Church Oconto, from 10 AM to 12 Noon Saturday, April 3, 2021. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday 12 Noon at the church with the Rev. Craig Alwin officiating. Burial will follow at Evergreen Cemetery. Online condolences may be expressed at

The service will be live streamed on First Presbyterian Church’s Facebook page, and via our Sunday morning worship Zoom link. Please contact the office for zoom link details if you need them.

New Worship Times

New Shared Ministry Agreement - First Presbyterian Oconto and Pioneer Presbyterian Marinette

Starting Jan 3, 2021 the Sessions of FPC Oconto and Pioneer Presbyterian Church in Marinette have worked out an agreement to share pastoral services. Pastor Craig will be available in Oconto on Mondays and Wednesdays, and in Marinette on Tuesdays and Thursdays (contact his cell phone if urgent).

With this new partnership, worship time in Oconto has changed to 8:30AM and to 10:30AM in Marinette. Both services are available on Facebook Live, and Oconto’s service continues to be available via Zoom. The are both also allowing a limited number of people to attend in person, with appropriate face covering, social distancing, and no singing.

Links to Online Gatherings

While we are not able to gather together in the same physical space, we are able to be the church – strengthening, serving, sharing and witnessing. We invite you to join us via zoom meetings for daily prayer, mid-week worship, and Sunday worship. These will also be streaming on our Facebook page for you to share later – invite your friends to a watch party with you! (Not sure how? Click here for instructions.) To limit the risk of “Zoombombers” and other potential malicious interruptions to our worship time, we are not posting the Meeting ID’s on the web. Please e-mail the office or Pastor Craig, or send a message on Facebook and we will gladly share the details with you. Here are the meeting times we currently have set up:

  • Pastor Craig’s Daily Devotional and Prayer – 6:00am M-F
  • Maundy Thursday Worship with Holy Communion – 7:00pm
  • Easter Sunday Worship – 9:30am Sunday

Please remember to continue to support the ministries of FPC Oconto. You can donate securely online through the services of Vanco by clicking here. To those who continue to have employment, we encourage you to consider how God might be calling you to reallocate what you aren’t able to spend on “non-essential” items and increase your giving to “fill the gap” of others. We sincerely thank each and every one of you for your donations, no matter how large or small!

We do look forward to celebrating the resurrection together in our physical church building at some point in the future. Until then, we are not to be idle in our faith and worship. May this time of physical separation allow us to experiment with new forms of gathering and gain a greater understanding of how we might better live the rest of this life in hopeful anticipation of the great eternal celebration that awaits all believers!

If you missed a service, our main worship services will be available on YouTube – search for “FPC Oconto” and you will see a picture of our sanctuary.


The Rejoicing Ringers and Mixed Chime Choir Christmas program scheduled for Dec 1 is being postponed until December 15 due to the predicted snowfall and winds.

We will have modified worship services at 8 & 10:15am on Sunday December 1 for those who are able to safely make it (which may be very few people – please stay safe).

There will be no Sunday School on Dec 1.

Please check the church website and facebook page for updated changes due to the winter weather.

Sunday morning road condition update: as of 7AM the main streets in town are in good condition, many side streets are being plowed and seem to have a soft layer of ice, lesser used streets (such as Holtwood Way) are not yet plowed and have 2-3″ of wet slushy snow. The church parking lot is clear, but it does have a few slippery spots. Please use good judgement and do not risk injuring yourself or others. God’s peace be with you, wherever you may be.