Category: Announcements
“Power UP!” VBS – Aug 5-9
Vacation Bible School open to all the kids of Oconto – jointly hosted by First Presbyterian Church, First American Lutheran Church, and Oconto United Methodist Church. Monday through Friday mornings, August 5-9, 2019. Download the registration form below.

Children’s Sunday School Christmas Program – Dec 16
This year’s Christmas program will focus on 12 names of Christ, beginning with “Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father…”
Please join us at the 10:15am service on December 16 for wonderful celebration of the birth of Christ!
The kids will continue to practice their songs every Sunday from 9:00-9:30am in the sanctuary.
Vacation Bible School 2018
We had another great year of Vacation Bible School together with First American Lutheran and United Methodist Churches!
More pictures are available at
(your child should have the password, or please contact your church or pastor)
A huge thank you to everyone who helped plan, design, write, produce and clean up for all the fun!
Vacation Bible School
Summer is almost here and that means another year of Summer Vacation Bible School! We are continuing to partner with First American Lutheran Church, and this is their year to host. All area children are invited to join us June 5th – 9th at First American, 511 Madison Street, for “Barnyard Roundup: Jesus Gathers Us Together”
Please download and complete the 2017 VBS Registration Form, and return it to our church office so we know who all is attending from our church.
Summer Camp
There may still be some snow in the forecasts, but summer is almost here!! The youth are already talking about Summer camp and spots will be filling up soon. Don’t wait to get registered. You can use this form or go to to register online. Let the church office know if you are planning to attend so we can include you in our fundraising events to help offset some of the costs.
Lent 2017
Mid-week Worship is at 6:30 p.m. every Wednesday in the sanctuary with the confirmation youth leading.
The Deacons are hosting pot-luck meals at 5:30 p.m on Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. There will also be Holy Communion open to all Christians at these two services, and then on Easter Morning.
Holy Trinity is hosting the annual Ecumenical Good Friday service at noon, with youth leading us through the stations of the cross.
Daily devotionals, “Seeing Jesus,” are available. This year’s devotionals take a look at who Jesus is through the various eyes of many people around Jesus. As we read what their first-hand accounts might have been, we will see Jesus with new eyes – with the eyes of our hearts, as the Apostle Paul put it.
The front of our sanctuary has some special decorations during Lent. The colored ribbons woven together are from Synod School 2016 worship – the theme was “Connecting to Jesus in an Over-connected World”. They are strips of cloth, knotted together, surrounding the cross, representing our lives and the power of the Holy Spirit in a variety of ways. The Baptismal Font, surrounded by green plants, reminds us that our only true oasis in a dark and sinful world is the Living Water, Jesus Christ.
May we each make small sacrifices in our daily lives this Lent, intentionally disconnecting from whatever it is in this world that distracts us from Jesus, so that we can gather together in worship, connect to Jesus, and see Jesus through new eyes.