Mid-week Worship is at 6:30 p.m. every Wednesday in the sanctuary with the confirmation youth leading.
The Deacons are hosting pot-luck meals at 5:30 p.m on Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. There will also be Holy Communion open to all Christians at these two services, and then on Easter Morning.
Holy Trinity is hosting the annual Ecumenical Good Friday service at noon, with youth leading us through the stations of the cross.
Daily devotionals, “Seeing Jesus,” are available. This year’s devotionals take a look at who Jesus is through the various eyes of many people around Jesus. As we read what their first-hand accounts might have been, we will see Jesus with new eyes – with the eyes of our hearts, as the Apostle Paul put it.
The front of our sanctuary has some special decorations during Lent. The colored ribbons woven together are from Synod School 2016 worship – the theme was “Connecting to Jesus in an Over-connected World”. They are strips of cloth, knotted together, surrounding the cross, representing our lives and the power of the Holy Spirit in a variety of ways. The Baptismal Font, surrounded by green plants, reminds us that our only true oasis in a dark and sinful world is the Living Water, Jesus Christ.
May we each make small sacrifices in our daily lives this Lent, intentionally disconnecting from whatever it is in this world that distracts us from Jesus, so that we can gather together in worship, connect to Jesus, and see Jesus through new eyes.