Category: News
“Power UP!” VBS – Aug 5-9
Vacation Bible School open to all the kids of Oconto – jointly hosted by First Presbyterian Church, First American Lutheran Church, and Oconto United Methodist Church. Monday through Friday mornings, August 5-9, 2019. Download the registration form below.

2019 Lenten Schedule
Ash Wednesday – March 6
Pot-Luck in Fellowship Hall 5:30 pm
Worship w/Ashes and Communion 6:00 pm
Each Wednesday during Lent
soup and sandwich supper 5:30 pm
service and study 6:00 pm
handbell practice 6:50 pm
Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday will each have a combined worship service at 9:00 am
Lenten Family Devotional
This year’s Lenten Family Devotional is “Feast On This: Table Talk for Families” edited by Heather Roth Johnson. Rather than giving up something for Lent in order to focus more on Christ and your faith (although you can still do that) we are inviting you to think deeper about what Clemens Sedmak calls the “little theologies” of life (Doing Local Theology: A Guide for Artisans of a New Humanity, 2002). What do the everyday and mundane items and activities of our lives say about who Christ is for us? The Sunday sermons and Wednesday Services/Studies will also be exploring these “little theologies” and how they shape us and our community. You can download the devotional to use a digital copy or print it out. There are also hard copies available in the church narthex.
Sunday Worship Texts
(Based on the Narrative Lectionary)
Mar. 6, 2019 – Ash Wednesday
Who is the Greatest?
Matthew 18:1-9
(Psalm 146:7c-10 or 51:1-3)
Mar. 10, 2019
Matthew 18:15-35
(Psalm 32:1-2)
Mar. 17, 2019
Laborers in the Vineyard
Matthew 20:1-16
(Psalm 16:5-8)
Mar. 24, 2019
Wedding Banquet
Matthew 22:1-14
(Psalm 45:6-7)
Mar. 31, 2019
Bridesmaids (or Talents)
Matthew 25:1-13 (or Matt 25:14-30)
(Psalm 43:3-4)
April 7, 2019
Last Judgement
Matthew 25:31-46
(Psalm 98:7-9)
April 14, 2019 – Palm Sunday
Triumphal Entry
Matthew 21:1-17
(Psalm 118:25- 29)
April 18, 2019 – Maundy Thursday
Words of Institution
Matthew 26:17-30
(Psalm 116:12- 15)
April 19, 2019 – Good Friday
Ecumenical Service (noon)
Apr. 21, 2019 – Easter
Matthew 28:1-10
(Ps 118:19-24)
Children’s Sunday School Christmas Program – Dec 16
This year’s Christmas program will focus on 12 names of Christ, beginning with “Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father…”
Please join us at the 10:15am service on December 16 for wonderful celebration of the birth of Christ!
The kids will continue to practice their songs every Sunday from 9:00-9:30am in the sanctuary.
Vacation Bible School 2018
We had another great year of Vacation Bible School together with First American Lutheran and United Methodist Churches!
More pictures are available at
(your child should have the password, or please contact your church or pastor)
A huge thank you to everyone who helped plan, design, write, produce and clean up for all the fun!
Vacation Bible School
Summer is almost here and that means another year of Summer Vacation Bible School! We are continuing to partner with First American Lutheran Church, and this is their year to host. All area children are invited to join us June 5th – 9th at First American, 511 Madison Street, for “Barnyard Roundup: Jesus Gathers Us Together”
Please download and complete the 2017 VBS Registration Form, and return it to our church office so we know who all is attending from our church.
First Presbyterian Church of Oconto is excited to announce that you can now manage your giving online! Giving online is safe, easy and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and view your complete online giving history from anywhere you have access to the Internet. Simply follow these three easy steps:
1) Click here or on the blue [GIVE ONLINE] button to the right
2) Click on the Create Profile button
3) Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your
recurring contributions.