Category: General
Youth Events
Here are some up coming events for the youth. If you should have any questions please call the church office at 920-835-3922. Sunday, July 10th Peterson’s will be hosting at their home after church for more outdoor fun including fishing. Youth Group will be at Thompsons Coke Shack Sunday August 7th. Please let Dawn, Michelle or Kristy know if you & your children are able to help! This is a great opportunity for the youth to raise funds. This year we will be teaming up with United Methodist Church for VBS. Please visit for registration and to get any additional information. They are in need of parents and older youth to assist each day so please let Dawn, Michelle or Kristy know if and when you can help.

Feed My Starving Children Green Bay MobilePack 2021

Please remember to pray for our group and all those who will be volunteering with the Feed My Starving Children MobilePack in Green Bay this week. You can help reach the $240,000 goal for packing over 1,000,000 meals this week by going to and donating.

We NEED your input!
Here is a copy of the letter we have sent out to every household – the only detail left off of this online version is the password to access the online form. Please contact the church office for help.
Prayers for Lyford family and friends
Jean Ann Lyford, 91, of Whitewater, Wis., entered into Heaven on Saturday, Aug. 28, 2021.
Please keep the family and friends of both the late Rev. John and Jean Lyford in your prayers.