Category: Blog Post

February 12th is Souper Bowl of Caring
Souper Bowl Sunday is next week! So please bring in canned soup or other canned items, boxed meals, or other boxed items. We can also use cash donations and all donations will be used for local pantry projects. You can bring the donations in anytime during the week, Stacy is in the office from 6:00am-1:00pm Tuesday-Friday and on Monday 7:00am-9:00am. If the doors are locked please ring the doorbell and she will come to let you in. Thanks in advance for any support that is given to this wonderful cause!

Youth Group
Youth Group is starting back up! Kids please check out the calendar so you don’t miss out on all the great things you can learn. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to the church office.

Musicians Needed
The First Presbyterian Church of Oconto is looking for individuals with a musical background to assist as an accompanist during our weekly service. Organ, piano, guitar, or other instrument; individual or group; if you are willing to share your talent with our church family on one Sunday morning or several, we can use your help. We are located at 133 Jackson Street in Oconto, Wisconsin. Our services are currently held every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. You will be compensated for your time and talent both monetarily and with our sincere thanks. For more information, please contact Polly or Stacy at the following email address, office@fpcoconto.org; or you can also call Stacy at the following phone number, 920-835-3922. Thank you for your consideration and God bless you. The friends and family of the First Presbyterian Church of Oconto.

A Moller Pipe Organ was installed in the church on the corner of Main and Ellis in 1928, replacing a Flegemacher Organ. The Moller Organ was disassembled, cleaned and then re-installed in our present church. Our organ is included in the Organ Historical Society’s Pipe organ Database.

Souper Bowl of Caring

This year Souper Bowl of Caring will be taking place on the 12th of February. So please help us by donating non-perishable food items or a cash donation, to tackle hunger today.

Online Services
We have encountered several issues with our online streaming equipment and software. It is unlikely that we will be able to provide virtual access for at least the next several weeks. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Youth Christmas Worship Service
Please join us December 18th at 10:30am for the Youths Christmas Worship Service. They have worked hard practicing and putting this service together. Not only are they doing the service, they will be the musicians for the service. Please come and see the wonderful job they have done.

Christmas Services
Please join us for our Christmas Services. If you cannot make it in person we will have it on Zoom. Please call the church office for the Zoom information.
- Christmas Eve Service 7:30pm
- Christmas Day Service 10:30am

Youth Adopt a Family
“We believe the world is one big family, and we need to help each other.”
Our youth had a wonderful time shopping and wrapping gifts today for this years Adopt-a-Family, which we adopted from Rainbow House. Thank You to our church family for your donations, support and prayers! May this Christmas season be blessed!