Please join us for our Christmas Services.

- Christmas Eve Service 7:30pm
- Christmas Day Service 10:30am(Causal worship service in the Fireside Lounge)
Please join us for our Christmas Services.
Please join us for our Lenten Services. Times and dates are following:
March 24th @ 10:30am Palm Sunday Service with a Palm Processional.
March 28th @ 6:00pm Maundy Thursday Service of Tenebrae* with Holy Communion.
March 31st @ 10:30am Easter Sunday Service with Holy Communion.
We hope that you are able to come and worship with us.
Souper Bowl of Caring will be starting Sunday February 11, 2024. The Deacons will be collecting nonperishable food items or cash donations. All food items and money collected will be split between the Deacon’s Food Pantry & Bread by the Bay. Help fill the soup kettles and shopping cart with soups, canned goods, dry goods and monetary donations to help fill the Deacons Food Pantry and Bread by the Bay Food Pantry. Let’s all have big hearts and donate today to help those in need of a good meal. The Deacons will be collecting until Sunday, February 18th. If you wish to give directly, please scan the QR code, search for Bread by the Bay and make your donation.
Family Ministries
Starting Wednesday November 15th we will once again be meeting on Wednesday for family fellowship and potluck. Plan to gather at church between 5:00 & 5:30, meal being at 5:30 so that our youth can participate in confirmation classes. Any questions call Lynn at (920)672-8842. Hope to see you and your favorite dish to pass.
Our mission committee is currently supporting Feed My Starving Children Green Bay Mobile Pack through your local mission giving. So what better way to support this worthy cause than going to Panera and having lunch or supper? Especially after a long day of work or shopping for school clothes. 20% of the sales will be donated to this worthy cause. Use code FUND4U at online checkout, in the Panera App, or at the kiosk in-café, print out this flyer or show them a digital copy at the check out. This fundraiser is only today August 30th from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Here is a listing of the services we will be having:
If anyone would like to bring in Easter Lilies or a Spring flower arrangement for Easter please do so either the week of Easter or at least by Saturday April 8th. If you have any questions please reach out to Polly Exferd or Stacy in the church office.
Tomorrow nights Ash Wednesday Service will be at 6:00pm at Pioneer Presbyterian Church 1947 Riverside Ave. Marinette, and online at